Friday, October 16, 2015

I'm an introvert, but I still need friends.

I find it's really difficult to be an introvert.  Yes, I could be happy spending most times at home or with my family.  However, there are times that I need someone outside of my family to talk to.  I like to be social, or maybe it's that I like the IDEA of being social.  Perhaps that is what it is.  My husband usually laughs at me because I want to go somewhere and do something, but then I'm a wallflower when I'm not chatting with him.  I've had friends.  I've even taken the chance and opened up recently to friends thinking that's what I needed to do to have a deeper friendship.  Why is it then that my friendships to be superficial?

Take for instance recently.  My husband has been gone a lot for work and for his hobby of sports officiating.  As a homeschooling mother of 3, I declared that it's MY turn for a weekend away, without him, without the kids.  However, what fun is a retreat by myself?  I'd like to go and have a girls' weekend, but I wouldn't have a clue what friend I have that is close enough to ask to go with me.  I've hinted at a few people, thinking perhaps one would jump at the chance to get away.  That's not the case, and I should have known.  They have their own friends.

Why is it that extroverts want to downplay the feelings that I have of loneliness when obviously they have friends to go to when they're in need?  It's times like this I think I should just quit everything - homeschool groups, church,, but then I always put my positive twist on it that I can't make friends if I don't continue to try.  This internal struggle is for the birds - and also makes me feel like I'm going crazy!  I guess for now I'll have to keep chuggin' on - perhaps cutting back on my interaction with others as to not get myself excited that I might have a friend.